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Orthodoxy in America
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Orthodoxy in America Reading Room.

Orthodox Faith Newspaper (English/Russian).

Read Newspaper
Orthodox Faith Newspaper (English language/Russian language). - With the blessing of His Beatitude JONAH, Archbishop of Washington, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, Head of Orthodox Church in America.
- With the blessing of His Eminence SERAPHIM, Archbishop of Ottawa and Canada, Head of Archdiocese of Canada, of Orthodox Church in America.
- With the blessing of His grace HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.
- With the blessing of His Eminence GABRIEL, Bishop of Montreal and Canada, Head of Canadian Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
- По благословению Блаженнейшего ИОНЫ, Архиепископа Вашингтонского, Митрополита всея Америки и Канады, главы Православной Церкви в Америке.
- По благословению Высокопреосвященного СЕРАФИМА,Архиепископа Оттавского и Канадского, главы Канадской Архиепископии Православной Церкви в Америке.
- По благословению Высокопреосвященного ИЛАРИОНА, Митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского, Первоиерарха Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей.
- По благословению Преосвященного ГАВРИИЛА, Епископа Монреальского и Канадского, главы Канадской Епархии Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей.
Orthodoxy. Gilbert Keith Chesterton. 2008.

Read Book
Orthodoxy. Gilbert Keith Chesterton 2008 - 176 pages.
Orthodoxy: Its truths and errors.

Read Book
Orthodoxy: Its truths and errors. James Freeman Clark. Twelth Edition. Boston: American Unitarian Association. 1878 512 pages.
Heretics. By G. K. Chesterton.

Read Book
Heretics By G. K. Chesterton Filiquarian Publishing, LLC. 2007. 216 pages. Heretics is a classic Christian apologetic work by popular author G. K. Chesterton. Heretics is considered to be a companion publication to Chesterton's other title Orthodoxy. Heretics is a focus on the fundamentals of Christianity and teaches the importance of heresy, which Chesterton describes as being clear-headed and courageous in regard to religious understanding. This is an excellent publication for those who are interested in Christian apologetic writings, or those who are fans of the works of G. K. Chesterton.
Deconstructing radical orthodoxy.

Read Book
Deconstructing radical orthodoxy: postmodern theology, rhetoric, and truth. By W. J. Hankey, Douglas Hedley. 2005 - 191 pages. Radical Orthodoxy is the most influential theological development in a generation. Many have been bewildered by the range and intensity of the writings which constitute this movement. This book spans the breadth of the history of thought discussed by Radical Orthodoxy, tackling the accuracy of the historical narratives on which their position depends. The distinguished contributors examine the history of thought as presented by the movement, offering a series of critiques of individual Radical Orthodox 'readings' of key thinkers. Contributors: Eli Diamond, Wayne J. Hankey, Todd Breyfogle, John Marenbon, Richard Cross, Neil G. Robertson, Douglas Hedley, David Peddle, Steven Shakespeare, George Pattison, and Hugh Rayment-Pickard.
Living Orthodoxy in the modern world.

Read Book
Living Orthodoxy in the modern world: Orthodox Christianity & society. By Andrew Walker, Costa Carras. 1996. 246 pages. Twelve lay and ordained Orthodox writes provide profound and fascinating insights into the role and mission of the Church in today's world. Issues covered range widely, including family life, ecology and consumerism, politics, ethics and psychology.
A long walk to church.

Read Book
A long walk to church: a contemporary history of Russian Orthodoxy. By Nathaniel Davis. 2003. 368 pages. Making use of the formerly secret archives of the Soviet government, interviews, and first-hand personal experiences, Nathaniel Davis describes how the Russian Orthodox Church hung on the brink of institutional extinction twice in the past sixty-five years. In 1939, only a few score widely scattered priests were still functioning openly. Ironically, Hitler's invasion and Stalin's reaction to it rescued the church -- and parishes reopened, new clergy and bishops were consecrated, a patriarch was elected, and seminaries and convents were reinstituted. However, after Stalin's death, Khrushchev resumed the onslaught against religion. Davis reveals that the erosion of church strength between 1948 and 1988 was greater than previously known and it was none too soon when the Soviet government changed policy in anticipation of the millennium of Russia's conversion to Christianity. More recently, the collapse of communism has created a mixture of dizzying opportunity and daunting trouble for Russian Orthodoxy. The newly revised and updated edition addresses the tumultuous events of recent years, including schisms in Ukraine, Estonia, and Moldova, and confrontations between church traditionalists, conservatives and reformers. The author also covers battles against Greek-Catholics, Roman Catholics, Protestant evangelists, and pagans in the south and east, the canonization of the last Czar, the church's financial crisis, and hard data on the slowing Russian orthodox recovery and growth. Institutional rebuilding and moral leadership now beckon between promise and possibility.
The Legacy of St. Vladimir.

Read Book
The Legacy of St. Vladimir: Byzantium, Russia, America. By John Breck, John Meyendorff, Eleana Silk. 1988. 280 pages. Twenty essays by a diverse group of theologians, musicians, historians and musicologists, on the historical, theological, social and spiritual developments which brought Orthodoxy from Byzantium to the modern world.
Orthodox Alaska.

Read Book
Orthodox Alaska: a theology of mission. By Michael Oleksa. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. 1992. 252 pages.
An introduction to the Christian Orthodox churches.

Read Book
An introduction to the Christian Orthodox churches. By John Binns 2002. 270 p. This clear and accessible introduction describes the life of the Orthodox Churches of the Christian East from the accession of the Emperor Constantine in 312 up to the year 2000. It explores the nature of the various churches of the Christian East, both Chalcedonian and non-Chalcedonian Orthodox, the Church of the East, and Greek Catholic Churches. It explains both the common traditions and the different and sometimes divisive local characteristics. The distinctive Orthodox approaches to the themes of liturgy, theology, monastic life and spirituality, iconography, popular religion, mission, politics and the schism between East and West are discussed in turn. A final chapter examines the response of the Churches to their new freedom following the collapse of communism.
Russian America: Message from the President of the United States.

Read Book
Russian America: Message from the President of the United States, in answer ... By United States. Dept. of State, United States. Dept. of the Treasury 1868. 361p.
Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska.

Read Book
Travel and adventure in the territory of Alaska: formerly Russian America ... By Frederick Whymper London. 1868. 331p. Visited Alaska and Kamchatka, 1865-67. UK edition published by John Murray (London, 1868).

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